Order Repeat Medication

Repeat Prescriptions are items that the GP has decided you can order on a regular basis.

These are the items already listed on the re-order form attached to your current prescription

Please only order what you really need! However it is your responsibility to make sure you have sufficient medication to cover the period between order requests

If you do request something that is not normally prescribed to you, your request may take up to 5 working days to be issued or may not be prescribed.

Urgent advice: Patient Notice

Please do not add any comments about your health to any requests made as these messages are processed by our admin team.

Do not phone for repeat prescriptions. 

We are unable to take requests over the telephone, this means our telephone lines and receptionists’ time is free to deal with more urgent patient enquiries

We aim to deal with all requests within 72 working hours – Please do not ask us to process request at short notice

Prescriptions can be obtained in the following ways only:

  • Completing the online repeat prescription request form below
  • You can post your prescription requests to the surgery via our letter box at any time. 
    Please use the printed medication list which was attached to your last repeat prescription to request new medication and only reorder what you actually need. 
    You can also send a stamped addressed envelope to us along with your repeat medication request and we will post the prescription out to you.
    Please note this may take up to a week to get back to you.

If you order a repeat prescription after 6pm or over the weekend you need to allow an extra day for the prescription to be processed. 

Please also remember to make allowances for public holidays and only order what you really need.

Local pharmacies offer a prescription collection service and they will visit the practice to collect prescriptions on patients behalf.

Once they have collected the prescription they will process it in the normal way and you can then collect the medication from the pharmacy directly.

If you wish to use this service please tell the reception team or indicate which pharmacy you would like to utilise in the comments box of the online request form and we will update your information. 

Some local pharmacies are able to reorder your medication on your behalf, please talk to your pharmacy about this directly.

Warning advice: Please Note

It is your responsibility to update the pharmacy of any change in your medications

If you are travelling abroad or within the UK then please make sure you have ordered sufficient medication to cover the period that you are away. 

It is not possible for us to send repeat prescription requests outside of Lothians/Scotland. 

Due to GDPR regulations we are unable to fax requests and can only forward repeat prescriptions to limited locations so please check that you are stocked before you go. 

Please remember we need 72 hours (working days) notice to process a prescription.

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

We will not be able to respond to any queries posted to doctors via the comments box on the repeat prescription form, please use this box only for information about collection or pharmacy choice.

Patients are asked to submit one form per request.

Order Medication

Please complete the online form to request a repeat prescription.

"*" indicates required fields

Date of Birth*
Enter each medication and strength on your prescription*
Remember me
Remember my details – We’ll save a copy of your details on your computer and pre-fill them automatically when you next visit this page. Do not select this option if you are using a shared device
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.