Chronic Disease Management Clinics

The practice holds specialist clinics in a number of areas. The clinics are run by doctors and nurses with a special interest and training in the particular disease area. We run a computerised recall system and you will be invited when your review is due.

The clinics are arranged so as to have the appropriately trained staff member and equipment available when you attend. The correct amount of time is allocated for a standard review of the disease area. As a result the appointment times are not particularly flexible and cannot always be arranged to fit in with other (eg work) commitments. We realise this may be inconvenient for some people, and where possible will try to amalgamate clinic reviews (eg heart clinic and diabetes and Blood Pressure) to minimise inconvenience to you.

We hold the following chronic disease clinics:

  • Hypertension
  • CHD (Coronary or Ischaemic heart disease)
  • Heart Failure
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • COPD (Chronic Pulmonary Disease previously known as bronchitis or emphysema)

Non-urgent advice: These clinics are forĀ monitoringĀ of chronic disease to help prevent problems

If you experience a deterioration of your condition, you should make a routine or same day appointment.