Dementia and Alzheimers Disease Organisations

Alzheimer Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland helps people with dementia, their carers and families. Our members include carers, relatives, people with dementia, professionals, groups and organisations. They employ nearly 800 full and part-time staff, mainly in our service-provision projects around Scotland.

Telephone Number:0131 243 1453
Helpline Telephone Number:0808 808 3000

Dementia Friends Scotland

Dementia Friends is an informative website raising the awareness of people with Dementia. You can become a Dementia Friend and after watching their videos, enter your details and they will send you a certificate and badge. It’s main purpose is to raise awareness when dealing with people with Dementia either in the workplace or when out and about.

Dementia Guidance

Dementia Guidance provides a guide to free services available throughout the UK to people with dementia and their families.
