What are online services?
As a patient of Springwood Surgery you can register for online services. You can use online services to;
- book, check or cancel appointments with a GP or nurse
- order repeat prescriptions
- see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
A web browser (on a computer) or an app on a smart device such as a phone or tablet are used to login and access your online services. There are several different web sites and apps available but Springwood Surgery recommends SystmOnline if using a web browser or the NHS App if using your smart phone or tablet.
Registering for online services
Before you can access your online services you must first register for them. To register, complete the following form and upload an image of your UK drivers licence or UK passport. If you have neither of these you can upload an alternative but it must include your full name, date of birth, photograph of your face and preferably your address. If you have no proof of identification available please contact a member of the reception team who will be happy to help with your registration for online services.
If you are a parent with a child under the age of 13 or are the main carer of someone who is elderly or disabled you can also register for proxy access. Proxy access is essentially using the online services of the person you care for but by logging in to your own online services and not theirs. After logging in you simply choose which person’s online services you wish to use.
Although proxy access can be configured to have all of the same features as within your own online services, it can also be configured to have only specific features activated. For example, you might need to request medication and book appointments for someone you care for but don’t need access to their medical record.
Care home staff
Patients of Springwood Surgery that live in residential care homes can consent to the proxy access of their online services by staff of the care home. Care home staff must register for proxy access.
Proxy access allows care home staff to
- Order or cancel medication on behalf of the patient
- Book or cancel appointments on behalf of the patient
Proxy access does not allow care home staff to
- View the Summary Care Record (SCR) of the patient
- View the full medical record of the patient