Repeat Prescriptions

How to Order

Please allow three full working days for us to process your repeat prescription.

There are numerous ways you can order your repeat prescription:

  • SystemOnline (please note this service is not available to patients aged 13-16)
  • Drop your repeat slip into the surgery via out letter box located outside the surgery
  • ​You can order your prescription by email send an email with your name, date of birth and address to

Online Prescription Order

Non-urgent advice: Notice

We no longer take prescription orders over the phone.

Our prescription query line is open weekdays between 9am -12pm


 If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from using the NHS electronic repeat dispensing service (eRD).If your prescriber thinks that you could use eRD for your regular medicines they will authorise a number of electronic repeat prescriptions (for up to a year). These electronic repeat prescriptions can then be supplied by your pharmacy when you need them. You will not have to order your prescriptions every time they are due.

Minor Ailment Scheme

Some pharmacies run a minor ailment scheme for under 16 year olds, which means they can supply medicines for certain conditions on the NHS.
If your pharmacy runs a minor ailment scheme that includes eczema, for example, it means your pharmacist can supply medicines for this condition and you’ll only pay the standard prescription charge. If you’re exempt from paying prescription charges – because you’re under 16 or over 60, for example, or you have a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) – you won’t pay for the medicine. Just ask at your local pharmacy