Chastleton | 0191 3846171 |
Ambulance Emergency | 999 |
University Hospital of North Durham (Dryburn Hospital) | 0191 3332333 |
Chester-le-Street Hospital | 0191 3876301 |
Shotley Bridge Hospital | 01207 594444 |
Newcastle Hospitals (RVI, General, Freeman) | 0191 2336161 |
Washington Hospital | 0191 4151272 |
Sunderland Hospitals (Royal & Eye Infirmary) | 0191 5656256 |
Durham City Police | 999 or 101 |
Healthwatch County Durham | 0800 347039 Email: |
NE NHS Independent Advocacy Service | 0808 8023000 Email: |
Social Care Direct Contact Centre | 03000 267 979 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 0191 3842638 or 0300 323 1001 |
Durham & Chester-le-Street Carers Support | 0300 005 1213 or 0191 387 1991 |
Samaritans | 116 123 |
Registrar For Births, Marriages & Deaths | 03000 260000 |
Genito Urinary Medicine | 0191 3332660/2661 |
Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) | PALS Contact Details |
Care & Support in Durham
Locate is a new website containing a wide range of care and support products and services with a range of costs, some are even free!
You can find everything from leisure and community activities to products and services that can help you to live as independently as possible.
Care and support includes the help given by family and friends, as well as help provided by other organisations, including the council.
Locate offers options to support you at home such as help with odd jobs, everyday living aids, equipment to make life easier and home care. It includes voluntary services, support for carers, day care opportunities and residential care information. You’ll also find options to keep you active and involved such as clubs, sports and social activities.
Updated regularly, Locate includes services and activities in your area and across County Durham.
Rollercoaster Support Group – for parents and carers who are supporting a child of young person with any kind of emotional or mental health problem.
Healthwatch – Your health and social care champion