Mental Health Services

Below are a list of useful sources of information surrounding Mental health

Immediate Risk to Life or danger of serious harm – 999

North Tyneside Talking Therapies –

0191 2952775

Access talking therapies to help with problems such as low mood, anxiety, stress, anger, panic, phobias for adults and young people aged 16 and over

Crisis Team 0800 6522861

Specialist assessment for people of any age who need urgent mental health care. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Samaritans  

Call 116 123 


24/7 Text Service, free on all major mobile networks for anyone in crisis

Kooth –

Free on-line advice and counselling for children and young people

Childline – 0800 1111   Children and Young People Helpline – the website has a “Calm Zone” with breathing exercises, yogas and computer games for distraction and a wealth of other resources suitable for everyone

Anxiety UK – corona anxiety support and resources including webinars on subjects such as health anxiety, OCD, tolerating uncertainty.

Help-Line 10am to 8pm 03444775774

Text Service 07537 4169056

Mental Health Foundation – Includes a section on how to look after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

MindEd –

Educational Resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults including a section for parents and carers

NTW Self Help Booklets –

Self help leaflets on a range of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, bereavement, alcohol, health anxiety, self harm – can be downloaded

Young Minds –

Mental health support for children, young people and their parents/carers.

Coronavirus advice and mental health support

Parent Helpline: 0808 8025544

NHS Mental health and wellbeing information –

mood self assessment, mental wellbeing audio guides

Public Health England – advice on looking after your mental health –

Calm Harm –

An App designed rto help people resist or manage the urge to self harm

Managing Fears and Anxiety around the Corona Virus – Dr Catherine Sykes –

A really helpful article examining how our normal flight or fight reaction affects us and how we can better manage it

Action For Happiness –

Takes ideas from positive psychology to promote good mental health. Free online coaching programme for challenging times to boost well-being

Rethink –

Support for individuals affected by severe mental illness and their carers