National Diabetes Audit (NDA)
Villette Surgery is taking part in the National Diabetes Audit (NDA)
The NDA collects information about diabetes care from GP practices and hospitals and is used to help the NHS to impove care for patients with diabetes.
It is managed by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), working with Diabetes UK and Public Health England.
The information the audit collects is controlled by law and strict rules of confidentiality. The NDA only uses information about your diabetes care that is already recorded.
For example, type of diabetes, latest blood pressure result and results of HbA1c, or eye screening tests. The NDA is not a research project. NO extra blood tests, appointments or scans are needed.
YOU CAN CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE PART IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS. If you do not want you information to be used, please inform our reception team. They will make sure that this is noted on your medical records, so you information is not included. This will not effect your care in any way.
For further information please see