Creative Age Programme

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Creative Age is a dementia-friendly creative programme offering older people living with dementia, their families and carers, socially isolated people and those with long-term health conditions the opportunity to take part in lively and supportive creative sessions led by artists.

Weekly sessions take place on Zoom and packs of art materials and instructions are regularly posted out to participants.

No previous art experience is required but to use Zoom you will need a tablet, phone or laptop. The sessions are as social as they are creative!

The groups all meet on Wednesdays at the following times:

  • 11am –12pm – Positive brain health (including pre-dementia diagnosis)
  • 1pm –2pm – People living with dementia and their carers
  • 2.15pm –3.15pm – Carers and those who have previously been carers

If you aren’t confident in using Zoom, training can be arranged by phone, or you can choose to have a weekly phone call instead of a Zoom session.

If you would like to attend a session, ring Jennie Lambert in the Learning Team for a chat on:


