Life Threatening Emergencies
In a life threatening emergency such as sudden severe chest pain, severe breathlessness, loss of power in a limb, loss of consciousness or severe bleeding dial 999.
If you feel the problem is not immediately life threatening, you may call us for advice. Please make it clear when you call us that you are calling for advice about an emergency.
Accident and Emergency (A&E)
The nearest casualty departments are at:
- Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, telephone 0141 887 9111
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Formerly Southern General Hospital) Glasgow, telephone 0141 201 1100
Patients requiring X-rays as a result of injury should go to casualty department as there are no X-ray facilities in the health centre.
Urgent Problems during Surgery Hours
If you feel that you require an emergency appointment, telephone the practice on 0141 889 8809 and you will be put through to one of the doctors.
As you will have stated that you do require to be seen that day as an emergency, and the doctor has deemed that this is indeed the case, you will be allocated a doctor which may not always be the doctor of your choice.
How to Get Help when the Surgery is Closed
We provide medical services during our opening hours.
Outside of these hours, medical cover is provided by NHS 24, telephone 111 to access this service.
You should only telephone 111 if you are too ill to wait until your GP practice reopens.
NHS24 are responsible for urgent medical problems which develop or evolve while we are closed. The nurses and doctors at NHS24 do not have access to your full medical record, and will not be able to arrange ongoing management or referrals.
If your problem can wait until we open again please consider calling us then. This will ensure that you receive the best medical advice and follow up.
Visit the NHS 24 website for further information
NHS Inform
NHS inform is Scotland’s national health information services
NHS inform provides a coordinated, single source of quality assured health and care information for the people of Scotland.