Repeat Prescriptions

Need a Prescription?

When you see the doctor you may be given an acute prescription for medication that will treat your symptoms. If the doctor gives you a prescription you will need to take it to a pharmacy of your choice for them to dispense your medication – if necessary they can give you further advice about the medication you have been prescribed.

How to Get a Repeat Prescription

If you are on regular medication you can order your repeat prescription by the following methods: 

  • By bringing your prescription counterfoil slip/letter to the surgery indicating the repeat medication you require;
  • Sending your request slip/letter by post; a stamped addressed envelopes should be enclosed if you want it returning by post; 
  • On-line ordering via our website (see below)
  • Electronic Prescribing System (EPS) – you will need to contact your local pharmacy about EPS, to sign up for this service.
  • Repeat requests are accepted over the telephone AFTER  2PM  Monday to Friday

Request Your Repeats Online

It is now possible to order repeat prescriptions online. Please contact the surgery to register to use this service.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

Please order your repeat prescription at least 3 days in advance and allow for a 72 hours turnaround for your request to be processed.

Collecting Prescriptions

Prescriptions can be collected from the surgery although some pharmacies have an electronic transfer system – please ask at your local pharmacist of surgery for details, Local pharmacies also operate a minor ailments scheme which patients can use for certain conditions other than coming to see the doctor. 

Please ask for further details at your local pharmacy or at the surgery.

Please Order Your Medication Here