The Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The surgery has had a patient participation group for many years. Membership of the group consist of practice staff and patients who are representative of the patient population.
Currently, the group meets three times a year to discuss surgery issues and service improvement. The group make a contribution to practice surveys and service development. They also provide us with valuable feedback on service delivery as service users.
We are always looking to recruit new members, across all age groups. Should you wish to join the group or attend one of our meetings, please ask for further details at the surgery. You can use the sign-up form on the patient information document page and drop this in to the surgery, we will then be in touch.
We also invite patients to become virtual members by email who may not be able to attend meetings and who can make suggestions via their emails for consideration by the main group. Patient participation reports and patient surveys are available in the patient participation report section.