Help shape the future of your practice at our regular meetings.
Would you like to be part of a team that helps improve your GP practice?
Join us to discuss issues affecting you and other patients.
Please ask at reception about the Patient Participation Group.
We are always keen to get feedback from patients about the service we provide to them. Patients are able to:
- feedback via the national Patient Choices website
- complete a Friends and Family form or click on the link on our home page
- complete a Comment, Feedback and Suggestion form (available to download from our useful forms section or from reception)
- contact the Business Manager
- feedback via our annual surveys
The practice also has a Virtual Patient Participation Group (vPRG).
What is a vPRG?
We have recruited about 30 of our patients whom represent the diversity of our practice population. They have agreed to take part in a number of online surveys and to feedback to us on their experience of the surgery. They also help develop and approve plans we make for the improvement of services at East Parade.
How can you get involved?
If you would like to join the vPRG, please contact the Business Manager, Emma Keating or email us on
What sort of changes have they supported?
Improved our appointments system by:
- introducing GP triage
- increasing the number of nurse appointments in the evening and GP appointments early and late afternoon.
Improved facilities in our waiting room by:
- creating a dedicated space for buggies
- improving circulation space
- improving patient confidentiality at the desk.
Improved our patient information by:
- updating our patient leaflets, patient call screen data and website.
Improved online services to include:
- online booking of nurse appointments
- the ability for parents to book appointments and order prescriptions for children to age 13.
- Reduced the telephone work staff on reception have to do.
What sort of changes are planned?
Improving access. We will:
- review the access to booking telephone and urgent appointments on-line with the East Parade Patient Group.
Improving patient participation. We will:
- proactively seek participation/feedback from a broader range of patients
- set up a practice Facebook page
- publicise the patient email address for non clinical feedback and collect patient emails for those wishing to receive regular practice updates
- Hold two meetings a year (one lunchtime, one evening) for patients to attend and discuss feedback about the practice and how the practice is responding to patient feedback received
Improving patient communications. We will:
- review the practice web-site with patient involvement
- publish 2 Newsletters a year, in April and October
Improving consultations. We will:
- ask patients for very brief reasons for routine GP appointments to help GPs to be better prepared for consultations. Patients will not have to give this information if they do not wish to).