
Online Prescription Ordering

Repeat Prescriptions

If the doctor has agreed that a prescription can be repeated you can order a repeat prescription by ticking the boxes on the right hand side of the prescription form and returning it to the surgery. Forms can be left at reception at the Old Hungate Hospital in working hours or posted through the letterboxes out of hours.

This form also tells you when the doctor needs to see you for review of your treatment. If you have lost your form, replacements are available at reception. 

You may also register for our online services and order via the link at the top of this page.   

Housebound patients may telephone for repeat prescriptions, but we discourage others from doing this as it tends to block the phone lines for urgent problems.

Please allow five working days for prescriptions.

Prescription and Dispensing Services

Electronic Prescription Service

Sherburn Group Practice uses the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). This enables electronic prescriptions to be generated and sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for patients and staff.


Acute Dispensing

As a dispensing patient, if you are seen urgently and require medication on an acute basis eg. antibiotics, you can obtain your medication from the dispensary immediately after seeing the GP and before you leave the practice premises. 

Blister Packs

Patients, who are taking several different medications, may sometimes find it difficult to take the right drug at the right time. Blister packs can help make it simpler and easier to take the right medication at the right time. Please ask for information if you are interested in this service.

Remote Hub Delivery Service

We offer a free delivery service twice a week to two remote hubs (Ulleskelf and Church Fenton) for our dispensing patients living in those areas. 

Dispensary Opening Hours

The dispensary is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6.00 pm and 9-10.30 am on a Saturday.  

Prescription Charges and Prescription Prepayment Certificates

If you are exempt from paying for prescriptions, please provide evidence of your exemption when collecting your medication.

From 1 April 2024 the cost of a prescribed item is £9.90.  If you need more than 11 prescribed medicines each year, you could save money with a 12-month Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC). The cost of a pre-payment certificate for three months is £32.05, and a yearly one is £114.50. You can purchase a pre-payment certificate from the NHS Business Services Authority by phoning the prepayment certificate order line on the lo-call rate number 0300 330 1341, or apply on-line at