There are several ways in which you can let us know about your experiences and your suggestions:
Complaints Procedure
Download a copy of our complaints procedure.
NHS Choices
If you go to the NHS Choices website you will be able to rate the practice and add comments and suggestions.
NHS Choices will ask for your email address so they can send a link to the email address provided which will verify your comment for it to be uploaded to NHS choices.
Visit the NHS Choices web-site.
Practice Surveys
The practice from time to time will produce surveys for patients to take part. The results will then be discussed within our PPG (Patient Participation Group). This will give patients an opportunity to have their say within regards to services and running of the practice.
Primary Care Strategy
Download Bradford City and Bradford District’s primary medical care commissioning strategy for 2016-21 which describes how NHS services including Kensington Partnership will work to improve quality of and access to care and ensure that services are sustainable for the future.
Patient Participation Group
If you are able to commit some time and energy to helping the practice improve its services for everybody in our community, perhaps you would consider joining our active and dedicated Patient Participation Group.
For more details, including how to join, please email our Patient Engagement and Public Relations Officer
Email address: