
How to book

You can book appointments:

  • By phone by calling 01422 415777
  • In person by attending one of our sites and speaking to a Receptionist
  • Online by logging into the SystmOnline Patient Online Service and following the links to book appointments: SystmOnline Login (

Please note – during the hours of 13:00 and 14:00 the lines are open for emergencies only.

You can also book appointments online using the NHS App, available at the App Store and Google Play Store.

Try the NHS App today!

Cancel an Appointment

If you no longer need an appointment you can either cancel it by calling 01422 415777 or submitting an Appointment cancellation form.

Home Visits

If you are physically unable to get to the surgery, please telephone before 11.00am, Monday ‑ Friday, with full details of the problem so that we can judge the urgency of your call. The Practice covers a large rural area and therefore home visits require a lot of travelling time.

Please come to the surgery if at all possible. If you are not sure whether you need a home visit, please telephone and ask for advice.

Telephone Consultation

If you require telephone advice, please call the surgery. The receptionist will offer you the next available appointment and take some details of your request. The Clinician will return your call on the date and time booked. The Clinician will view your medical record before and during the consultation and is able to prescribe where appropriate. We can call patients on mobile phones but prefer to use a landline. Please note that for reasons of confidentiality, we are unable to leave messages on answering machines.

The practice records all telephone calls. These recordings are strictly confidential.

Urgent Calls From Abroad

If you need to contact us from abroad in the event of a medical emergency, please telephone +441422 415777.