Booking Appointments
Surgeries are by appointment only.
Appointments can be made up to 4-6 weeks in advance either at the surgery or by telephone, between 8.00 am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
You can also book appointments at any time using the online service ‑ please register with the receptionist at the surgery for this service.
You may see any doctor but please try to avoid seeing different doctors in the same episode of illness.
If for any reason you have to cancel an appointment please let the reception staff know, or cancel via the online system, as soon as possible, then we will be able to let someone else use the appointment.
Urgent Appointments
Patients with urgent problems will be seen on the same day. Brief medical details may be requested by the reception staff to help determine urgency.
For appointments and prescriptions please use the Online Services link above. Alternatively, just click here.