Services available from Gateway To Care
- Obtaining a walking stick
- Reablement (physio and OT)
- Organising home care
- Finding out about day centres
- Frozen Meals service
- Services for carers
- Dementia support
- Careline community alarm service
Please ring 01422 393000
or go to
Carers Wellbeing Service Calderdale – Visit online at or ring 01422 369101
Staying Well – Calderdale Sometimes you just want a brew and something to do… ( or ring 01422 392767
Age UK – Visit online at
Luv2meetU – Love to meet you is a friendship group for people with a learning disability. They offer lots of activities weekly both virtually and in person day and evening. This is a great way to meet new people make new friends and have fun as well as staying healthy and active.
Adult learning | Calderdale Council – Calderdale Adult Learning offer lots of courses with support including confidence-building life skills and many more.