
Repeat Prescriptions

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat medication will be something that the GP would like you to continue with on a regular basis. You will find the repeat medication listed in your NHS app, also on the right hand side of your prescription.

Please allow three full working days for prescriptions to be processed and ensure you have a nominated pharmacy where you would like your prescription to be sent to and we will electronically forward this on to them.

You may not have access to the internet or do not like using online services. You could order by posting your prescription list via the post box at reception or giving to our receptionist. Some pharmacies will manage and order your medication for you.  

We do not accept prescription requests over the telephone due to phone lines needing to be available for urgent medical attention.

Collecting your Prescription

All prescriptions will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. If you do not have a nominated pharmacy then it will be printed and ready to collect from our reception desk.

For some/few medications, the prescription must be printed off and taken to the pharmacy in person. You will always be notified if this is the case for your prescription.

Find a pharmacy – NHS (

NHS prescription charges – NHS (

Save money with a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) – NHS (

Questions about your Prescription

If you have questions about your medication, your local pharmacists can answer your questions on prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Medication Reviews are important –

If you have a repeat prescription, we will ask you to come in at least once a year for a review. The appointment is usually with our pharmacist on the telephone, or perhaps with our GP depending on individual circumstances.

Why have a medication review

  • To ensure safe and effective use of medicines.
  • Understand what medications do and why you’re taking them.
  • Switch to different medicines if appropriate.
  • Stop medicines that are no longer right for you.
  • Prevent dangerous and costly consequences of incorrect medication use or drug interactions.

Prescription Charges

Find out more about prescription charges on

About Pharmacists

Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns.

As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.

Disposing of Old Medicines

If your medicine is out of date, unwanted, or some of it is left over after you have stopped taking it, do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet. Instead, take it to your pharmacy to be disposed of safely.