Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

Our Services…

Our Clinicians

Here at the Boulevard we have a team of Clinicians that you are able to see, we have various GP’s that specialise in specific areas, for example, Dermatology, Gynaecology, Minor Surgery and Joint Injections. Also we have a team of Advance Practice Nurses, Physicians Associates, Nurses, Pharmacists and Podiatrists

Asthma / Diabetes / Heart Reviews

The nursing team run special clinics specifically to meet the needs of patients who have been diagnosed with Diabetes / Asthma or Heart Conditions.

Baby Clinic

We run a 8 week baby check which include immunisations and the drop in well baby clinic is now held at local children’s centres.

Blood Tests

We have a qualified phlebotomist at the practice, so blood tests are available to have at the surgery.

Breast Feeding Facilities

The Practice promotes breast feeding. If you would like any privacy we have a room you can use. Please ask at reception.

District Nurses

A district nurse is registered nurse who has undertaken further training in nursing care in the community.

The district nursing team consists of District Nurses, Community Staff Nurses and Health Care Assistants.

It provides planned care to patients over 16 years of age in their own homes and to gives support to carers, in order to maintain care at home whenever possible.

Services they provide include holistic assessment of nursing needs, wound management, continence care, injections, blood tests, symptoms control in palliative care and end of life nursing.

The team works closely with the GP’s, other health workers and agencies. They are able to prescribe certain medications.

The service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Family Planning

A full range of family planning services including contraceptive pills, coils, implants and injectable methods are available at the surgery. Emergency contraception is also available within 72 hours of intercourse, although it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Flu Vaccinations

The flu vaccination is for all patients over 65 and those of any age with certain medical conditions such as asthma, emphysema, diabetes, bronchitis, COPD and heart disease. Flu vaccines are available from September each year. They are also recommended for ladies who are pregnant.

General Help

If you have a problem with anything, whether it be difficulty seeing the call screen or difficulty hearing the clinician etc, then please make the receptionist aware. We will be happy to help in any way we can.

Health Checks

Patients who are generally healthy and have not been to the surgery for over three years (one year for patients aged 75 or over) can request a Health Check with one of the nurses. Patients may also consult with the nurses with regard to smoking cessation, diet or general health promotion advice.

Hospital Referrals – Choose and Book Scheme

Choose and Book

Here at The Boulevard Medical practice we operate an electronic appointment booking system for hospital appointments called “Choose and Book”. Most, but NOT all appointments may be booked in this way.

This means, if you need to be referred to hospital for any reason, YOU are able to:

  • CHOOSE which hospital you wish to be seen at within the immediate are (Calderdale/Huddersfield/ Bradford/Dewsbury etc) -some areas may have slightly shorter waiting times than others.
  • BOOK an appointment over the telephone for a time and date that are convenient to you.

You will be given an information sheet with TWO IDENTIFIERS – a BOOKING NUMBER and a PASSWORD both unique to you. This information will be needed when you telephone the outpatients appointments telephone number to book an appointment. We shall highlight these important identifiers for you.

This system will help you arrange an appointment time to suit YOU best and you will have the reassurance of a definite booking much sooner.

Should you have any difficulties when trying to make trying to make a hospital appointment do not hesitate to contact the surgery and the staff here will be happy to help you.

If you have private medical insurance and wish to be referred privately, please ensure the GP is aware of this.


The midwife is a specially trained nurse who looks after ladies during pregnancy (antenatal) and for the short time following the babies birth (post natal). A midwife also takes care of mum and baby during delivery at the hospital or occasionally at home.

As soon as you find out you are pregnant it is important to get in touch with your midwife. You can contact a midwife direct on (01422) 360336 or call the surgery, where you will be asked for some information, Alternatively you can assign yourself a Midwife through This information will then be passed to the midwife and they will contact you direct. Appointments can be booked at the surgery for all your anti-natal care.

The first 12 weeks of your pregnancy is the most important time in your baby’s development. Early contact with a midwife will help you to make choices.

The midwife will carry out routine checks to ensure mother and baby are well and will work closely with GP’s and the hospital to ensure that the best care is given to each patient.

The midwife will also advise of local classes that expectant parents can attend to prepare themselves for the birth and for looking after a new baby.

Minor Surgeries

We have facilities to perform minor surgery at the practice e.g. the removal of lumps, tags, cysts, warts etc and give joint injections.

Private work


The doctors are happy to provide insurance claim reports and private medical examinations for registered patients only.  The doctors do this work at times that will not impact on routine surgery time. The current lead time is 4 weeks, the process is commenced after full payment to the surgery.

The reason for the long lead time is because we prioritise NHS “jobs”. Most doctors are here for around 12+ hours a day doing their NHS work. Private work is done on top of that. We find time for it by staying even longer to do this work. Private services are entirely optional. We actually don’t have to offer any of them. We do so because we know that patients sometimes find the services valuable and we know that it can be hard to find another private provider. However we have to value our own time and that of our staff – so we set our costs accordingly.

All payment is required in advance in the form of cash or a cheque. If the receptionist is
unclear whether the doctors can complete your request they will ask the doctors and get back to
you. You will then have to come back and pay before the letter/form is released.

Please contact the surgery for details of charges. 


Spirometry is the most common of the lung function tests. These tests look at how well your lungs work. Spirometry shows how well you breathe in and out. Breathing in and out can be affected by lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis.

Reversibility testing is done in some cases where the diagnosis of the lung condition is not clear. For this test, you will be asked to do spirometry as described above. You will then be given a medicine by inhaler or nebuliser which may open up the airways. A nebuliser allows a medicine to be inhaled like a fine mist, through a mask. The spirometry test is then repeated 30 minutes or so afterwards. The aim of this is to see if your airways open wider with medication or not. Generally, asthma has more of a reversible element to the airways obstruction, compared with COPD.

Travel Vaccinations

The nurses offer a range of travel vaccines although there may be a charge. Please contact the surgery at least 8 weeks before you intend to travel for advice.

Well – Woman

Well-women checks/cervical smears are performed by the nurses. Cervical smears are carried out in line with nationally agreed timescales and it is recommended that you make an appointment when you are called.

Wheelchair Use

There is the facility to use a wheelchair for any patient that needs to use it. Please ask at reception and a member of the team will get it for you.