New Patient Registration – New Patients welcome!
The Boulevard welcomes everyone who moves into or lives in the practice area who wishes to register with us.
To register please either use the link above or please pop into Reception where you can collect a printed copy of the form.
The Boulevard Medical practice is proud to be part of Safe Surgery. You have the right to register and receive treatment from a GP practice without a fixed address, identification, immigration status or NHS Number. The NHS is here to help and keep you safe and well.
The process of registration takes up to 14 working days. Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Please contact reception for further information.
Please complete the forms as fully as possible, not completing some sections may result in your registration being delayed or rejected.
Non-urgent advice: Please note
We do not allow children under 16 to be registered without a parent or guardian also being registered.
The parent or guardian are welcome to register with the child, otherwise the child needs to be registered where either of the guardians are.
Out of Area
If you are outside of the Practice Area, you can submit the out of area form but the registration request will have to be accepted by the lead Doctor. Sending this form will not automatically register you with the surgery and does not guarantee or even imply that you will be accepted onto the practice register.
If you get registered as an Out of Area patient you will not be able to receive Home Visits from the GP and will need to use the NHS111 service should the need arise. Please complete the form below alongside the main registration form.
If you have any questions about being an Out of Area patient please contact the Patient Services team on 01422 365533.