GP Training
Junior doctor training
The Yorkshire and Humber Deanery coordinate junior doctor training in our region and have requested we take doctors at this foundation stage of training in the future.
Student placements
We have links to the University College London Medical School and have already had successful placements of medical students at the practice. The understanding and cooperation of our patients in this has been wonderful. You should always be made aware at the time of booking your appointment if any student is timetabled to be with your GP or nurse and given the option for them not to be present. This is completely understandable at all times.
We have had successful work-shadowing placements for 16-18 year old students but can only accommodate these for students from out of our local area due to confidentiality issues and national guidance. Currently we participate in a scheme operated by Leeds University Medical School encouraging students of all backgrounds to consider medicine as a career.
Other health professionals training
We are keen to help train other health professionals to work within primary care. We have been actively involved in training of the following health professionals within the practice;
- Physician Associates – in collaboration with Leeds University, we have been involved in training of Physician Associates within primary care. Physician Associates are healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education who work alongside doctors, physicians, GPs and surgeons to provide medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.
- Clinical Pharmacists (independent prescribers) – we are working with Sheffield University and Salford University to help training clinical pharmacists to work within general practice as independent prescribers.
- Advanced Nurse Practitioners – we have also supported training of Nurses to become Advanced Nurse Practitioners
- Practice Nurse and Nurse Associates training – Our Lead nurse is currently establishing a programme for the training of Practice Nurses and Nurse Associates within practice and further information will be available on our website in the near future.
Dr Sharma is our practice lead GP for medical research. Our lead nurse Diane and Health care assistant Alexa are research trained as well. We continue to contribute to this field to both enable us to be at the forefront of current medical practice alongside hopefully improving diagnostics and treatments in the long term.
We are a research ready practice, which means we will have a chance to participate and contribute to clinical studies which in turn helps to develop new treatments and protocols for future.
On occasion we will have a number of clinical trials running and will make suitable patients aware so they can choose to participate. Please be assured that all the studies we participate in are from National Institute for Health Research portfolio and has all the necessary local as well as national approvals.
Currently we are working with RCGP for Flu Surveillance in our region, Renewed Online study, REST study amogst others.
We have established links with the Clinical Research Network which is part of the National Institute for Health Research.
Further information about GDPR regulations and Data confidentiality in relation to research activity can be accessed by following this link.
Currently we are involved in various research studies to help fight Covid-19 / Coronavirus.
- We are offering self swabs for people who have suspicion of Covid-19 to test if they have the infection
- Blood tests for identifying background immunity to Covid-19 in general population, convalescent immunity after 28 days of Covid-19 confirmed infection and household members immunity test at 35 days after a family member tested positive for Covid-19
- We are also starting a trial of medication in treatment of Covid-19, called Principle Trial, see details below

Evaluating potential treatments for COVID-19 infection in older people.
The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find out whether selected treatments given to people at higher risk of becoming more ill when they are infected with COVID-19 can help reduce the need for hospitalisation and the length of stay required, helping people recover quicker and with fewer complications. The trial is recruiting participants through GP practices across the UK.
If you have had a new onset continuous cough and / or a high temperature (hot to touch) within last 14 days and are not starting to feel bettter, then please click on following link to find out more about the trial and check eligibilty to sign up for the trail.
If you know someone who wishes to be part of the trial but unable to do this online, then they should ring this number to discuss and participate

Elmwood Family Doctors is also part of a national network of practices working with Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to provide pseudonymised data for national research and surveillance. This enables continuous monitoring of infections and diseases in the community and is used in ethically approved research. The RCGP RSC is the main source of information for Public Health England (PHE) and helps with prediction and management of flu outbreaks and pandemics.
Providing pseudonymised data does not affect patients, their care or privacy, however if you no longer wish to allow your information to be used, please let us know. You can read further information regarding this in this wrs-patient-information-leaflet.