Community Support Services

Active Ashbrow

Active Ashbrow is a project aimed at over 55’s, and people with disabilities and vulnerabilities, living within the Ashbrow Ward. It is managed by Local Services 2 You. Active Ashbrow is all about helping the people of Ashbrow to find out what activities and services are available in their area as well as encouraging them to get motivated, become less isolated, meet new people, build their confidence and keep active.  For more information please ring Dani Maloney on 01484 221859

Kirklees Council Carers Gateway

For more information ring 01484 226050 or e-mail


This is an organisation providing practical, consistent support to carers and people with care needs in the home where it most generally needed.  They centre on the needs of both the carer and the person who requires help with their care.  Trained, paid support workers local to your area will take over the carer’s usual tasks, enabling them to shop, meet friends, rest or sleep.  Where appropriate they take the person with care needs out into the community instead.  

Carers UK 

For more information ring 0808 808 7777 

Young Carers Service 

For more information ring 01924 492183

Connect to support 

This is service for people needing support in Kirklees.  You can find everything you need to help with your support from local to national services, local groups and activities, plus information, advice and much more. 

Dementia Friends  

Free English Classes

Huddersfield Deanery Project for older people

Honeyzz – support group for those living with diabetes.

Hyve Diabetes Project – supporting people with diabetes

They will:

  • check your blood pressure
  • check your blood sugar
  • check the condition of your feet
  • help you to improve your circulation
  • give you personal guidance about your condition
  • check your cholesterol level, weight and other vital signs
  • give you personal guidance in self-managing your condition

To book your session please ring – 07421919939

Kirklees Safe Places

The safe places scheme is to help vulnerable people when they go out.  A safe place is somewhere you can go to for help.  You can apply for a safe places card, you can write up to 3 numbers of people you would want contacting if something happened whilst you were out and about.  If you ever feel confused, frightened or need help when you are out you can go into any place that is open and showing to the Safe Place logo and staff will listen and try to help you. 

The scheme is available to people who are over 16 and who might be vulnerable (learning disability, autism/asperger’s, dementia/alzheimer’s, physical disability) when they go out.

Kirklees Good Neighbours Scheme

The scheme is to help older and isolated people retain their independance.  They offer: a befriending service for older and vulnerable adults, a home from hospital service and services for residents in various Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing complexes.

They also offer a Home From Hospital service across Kirklees that aims to help older people get back to their regular lives after being in hospital.  The services is delivered by volunteers who can help the older people by doing the following:

  • provide transport to and from appointments
  • collect or take them to do a weekly shop
  • collect their prescriptions
  • be there for moral support.

For more information ring 01484 453679

Vision Call

This services provides free home eyecare to those unable to attend a high street optician unaccompanied due to physical or mental disability.

For more information ring 0845 050 1831 or