Registration with the practice
We welcome new patients who live within our practice area to register with us. Please view the practice boundary below.
Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. It’s free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
If you’re homeless, you can give a temporary address, such as a friend’s address, a day centre or the GP surgery address.
You can download a paper registration form to print out, complete and hand into reception or complete the online form below.
Catchment Area
Find your NHS Number
Sometimes when filling in online forms or speaking with our staff, you may be asked for your NHS number.
This online tool will help you find your number if you do not know it.
Please Note
You do not need to know your NHS number to use NHS services, but it can be useful to have it.
Other ways to get your NHS number
If you cannot get your NHS number online you can:
- find it on any letter from the NHS like a prescription or appointment letter
- call your GP surgery and ask them for your number
Temporary Patient Registrations
If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
To register as a temporary resident you will need to contact the surgery and complete and return this form
You can register as a temporary resident with a GP in England if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours, but less than three months.
For further information visit