Patient Hub for booking cancelling or rebooking hospital appointments
Appointments on Patient Hub
Patient Hub
Welcome to Patient Hub! This is a new way to access and manage your hospital appointments at Leeds Teaching Hospitals – giving you more control of your appointments and additional support in getting you to the right place at the right time.
You can you access the Patient Hub using this link: Patient Hub
Through an easily online web service, we will be introducing this new digital service over the next few months.
A text or email notification will invite you to join Patient Hub. If this link is not used and the letter not accessed within 72 hours, a paper copy will be sent by post.
What is Patient Hub?
Patient Hub is a secure online portal which allows you to access all of your hospital appointment information in one place, by using your smart phone, tablet or computer.
You’ll be able to easily CONFIRM, request to REBOOK or CANCEL your hospital appointments.
All you have to do is to ensure your hospital records have an up-to-date mobile phone number (or email address).
How to opt out of Patient Hub
Please read the following pdf covering the process for opting out of Patient Hub.
If you are unable to access Patient Hub to change your preferences, complete the Opt Out form.