Housebound and older people

Additional support as you get older.

Care Homes and Housbound Patients

We employ a dedicated Nurse (Diane) and Health Care Assistant (Sarah) to offer proactive care to our patients who reside in the local Care Homes. Diane and Sarah have also offered training to Care Home Staff so they know what to look for if a patient is ill, they can make informed decisions on GP visit or 999 calls with confidence and are able to better support the patients in their care.

Diane and Sarah regularly meet with GP’s in the relevant surgery if they have concerns regarding a patient and this approach can often avoid hospital admissions.

We are extending this service to our patients who are housebound and we are currently recruiting a Nurse and Health Care Assistant who will be dedicated to offering a proactive, assessment service to our housebound patients. This patient cohort will often phone for a GP visit because they are lonely, so our hope is that by assessing their needs we can put the right services in place and support them in being able to leave the house and attend support groups etc.

Clinical Care Co-ordinators

As you get older the range of problems you face can grow, to the point where it might be difficult to cope, know what to do for the best, or make it difficult for you to leave your house.

We have a small team of nurses at the practice who support older people with complex needs to sort out problems you can find yourself faced with.

The sorts of things they can help you with are

  • mobility issues
  • memory problems
  • loneliness and isolation
  • housing issues
  • practical issues such as help dressing and cleaning
  • health issues

Their role is to help you understand the range of services available and support you in deciding the best course of action.

If you feel they could be of help then ask your Dr to put you in touch.

District Nurses

District Nurses carry out many roles for housebound patients, including:

  • General nursing procedures and investigations
  • Post-surgery care
  • Assessment of patients’ needs
  • Care for terminally ill patients
  • Loaning of equipment
  • Looking after wounds and leg ulcers
  • Educating patients about self-care

Referrals can be made by a Dr or nurse at the practice, patients themselves or by carers and family members.

Community Matron

Samantha Auckland is our Community Matron.

Community matrons specialise in caring for older people, whether they live in their own home or a care home. They help patients manage their health problems and try to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital.
If a patient has to be admitted, they will communicate with the hospital team to ensure a smooth a discharge as possible.

Dementia services

It is very important that anyone who has problems with their memory has a proper assessment. If these problems are due to dementia then early diagnosis and referral have many benefits for the patient, their carer(s) and family. It can help them to plan and access the treatment and support they need and to improve their quality of life.

Please book with one of Dr’s who can make the initial assessment and refer you to the memory clinic if needs be.

Adult Social Care

Leeds city council help people aged over 18 to live as well as possible with their illness, disability or other problems. It can include help with things like washing, dressing, eating, getting out and about and keeping in touch with family and friends.

Adults who may need extra care and support include:

  • older people
  • people with learning disabilities
  • people with physical disabilities
  • people with mental health problems
  • people with drug and/or alcohol issues
  • carers

They offer a wide range of support and help and their adults and health page is a good place to start.

Or call them 0113 222 4401 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

This can be done by you, a family member, a friend.

If you have difficulty using the telephone please email them at