Confidentiality and GDPR

All patients’ records on file or computer are completely confidential. We will share relevant information from your medical records with other health or social care staff or organisations when they provide you with care.

GDPR -General Data Protection Regulation

The contact details of our data protection officer

Our Data Protection Officer is Aaron Linden and they can be contacted

Telephone 0113 221 7321 Monday to Friday 8am until 4pm

What we do

As a GP practice we are responsible for your day to day medical care and the purpose of this notice is to inform you of the type of information that we hold about you, how that information is used for your care, our legal basis for using the information, who we share this information with and how we keep it secure and confidential.

It covers information we collect directly from you (that you have either provided to us, or from consultations with staff members), or we collect from other organisations who manage your care (such as hospitals or community services).

We are required by law to maintain records about your health and treatment, or the care you have received within any NHS service.

Our Commitment to Data Privacy and Confidentiality

As a Practice, we are committed to protecting your privacy and will only process data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018, the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality, professional codes of practice, the Human Rights Act 1998 and other appropriate legislation.

Everyone working for the Practice has a legal and contractual duty to keep information about you confidential. All our staff receive appropriate and ongoing training to ensure that they are aware of their personal responsibilities and their obligations to uphold confidentiality.

Staff are trained to ensure how to recognise and report any incident and the organisation has procedures for investigating, managing and learning lessons from any incidents that occur.

All identifiable information that we hold about you in an electronic format will be held securely and confidentially in secure hosted servers that pass stringent security standards.

Any companies or organisations we use we may use to process your data are also legally and contractually bound to operate under the same security and confidentiality requirements.

All identifiable information we hold about you within paper records is kept securely and confidentially in lockable cabinets with access restricted to appropriately authorised staff.

As an organisation we are required to provide annual evidence of our compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and standards through the Data Security and Protection toolkit.

Your information will not be sent outside of the United Kingdom where the laws do not protect your privacy to the same extent as the law in the UK. We will never sell any information about you.

In addition to our Data Protection Officer, we also have a senior person within the practice who is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of our records and ensuring that any use of your data is fair and appropriate- this person is the Caldicott Guardian. The Caldicott Guardian for the practice is: Dr G A Lees

Click on the link below to view how General Practices in Leeds use and share information about you.

Sharing information