We welcome suggestions for improvements to our services
Your Suggestions
We are always seeking to enhance our service and welcome suggestions for the improvement of the practice and the website. Our address is:
Mrs Linda Thompson
Armley Medical Practice
95 Town St,
Leeds LS12 3HD
You Can Also Send Feedback Online:
- If you register for online booking you can also make suggestions about the service given by the practice.
Everyone at Armley Medical Practice endeavours to provide the best service and care possible. We understand that there may be times when you feel this has not happened. If you have a complaint about the practice please request to speak to our Practice Manager. You can do this in person, by phoning the practice, by writing to us at the above address or by email on armleymedical.practice@nhs.net.
The Practice Manager, Linda Thompson will deal with your complaint face to face, in writing or over the telephone.
Please provide as much information as possible and we will respond to acknowledge your complaint within three working days and contact you with a resolution within ten working days
If we are unable to resolve your complaint in the timescale provided, we will let you know why.
Please note we keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentiality
We hope that we are able to resolve your complaint locally however if we are unable to do so and you remain dissatisfied you have the right to contact The Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP.
Telephone: 0345 0154 4033 or Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk