National Covid Vaccination Programme

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Please find a link below to a Government produced leaflet regarding the national covid vaccination programme.

The Government has decided that the vaccines should be carried out within Primary Care Networks (PCNs) – these are groups of practices within an area. We are part of the LS25/26 PCN which covers our area and is made up of 7 different GP practices covering a population of 80 000.

Gibson Lane Practice is the vaccination hub for our PCN. As a PCN we have started vaccinating the over 80 population and in recent days we have started to vaccinate the care home population within our area. Patients attending Gibson Lane Practice for vaccination are coming from all the practices within the PCN. We are closely following the national guidance regarding which patients to invite in when.

We will contact you when it is your turn – please be patient with us, we are working very hard to get people in for their vaccinations as soon as possible.

Dr C Hirst, 12 January 2021