Please use our First Contact Physiotherapy Service!

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For a number of months now we have had a new service available to our patient called ‘The First Contact Physiotherapy Service’.

We have 2 very experienced physios working in the practice each week who can help patients with any musculoskeletal problems. You do not need to speak to a doctor first, you can book directly with the physios themselves. The doctors in the practice are keen for patients to use the service as they feel that the physios are much better placed to help patients with such problems.

Also if a patient speaks to the doctor instead and is then referred to a physio there can be a wait of several weeks until the physio will contact the patient. With this new service, a patient can speak to an experienced physio within a space of a few days!

Should you use the First Contact Physiotherapy Service and the physio feels you need medication or further follow up with a GP they will arrange this with the doctors directly.

Please speak to a receptionist if you wish to use this service. If the service is not used, the funding for it may be stopped.