Keeping Well at Home
This booklet has lots of ideas and suggestions to help us keep well.
It is written for those with less or no access to online resources and includes a list of helpful contact numbers at the back. There are a large number of online resources currently available to everyone to support the information provided here. Search the words in bold below to find out more. Ask a friend, family member or volunteer to help find and print additional resources if possible.
Online Resources and Support
• Active Leeds provides various online resources such as activity tutorials, guidance and information, and fun challenges to try from home. We are sure there will be something that will work for you and help you to be Healthy At Home.
• Sport England’s campaign Join the Movement has its own online hub, giving free access to a range of home workout options. As well as free tips and advice from organisations such as the NHS. Find what works for you, stay connected and share your workout with friends and family using the hashtag #stayinworkout.
• For those managing a long term condition We Are Undefeatable offers inspiration and ideas to help people get active by finding what works for them.
• Older adults can visit BBC Sounds where they will find 10 today, an exercise programme from Sport England and the BBC to help older adults protect against poor health, look after mental wellbeing and maintain independence.
• To break activities down into ten-minute sessions, why not try Make Movement Your Mission? Developed by Later Life Training, each session includes a range of easy, low impact exercises that you can do in your own home. These can be found on the Later Life Training YouTube Channel. We hope you find it helpful and share it with your friends, family and community.