Booking OF Face TO Face Appointments
As a practice, we are now offering some directly bookable face to face appointments with some of our clinicians.
We are concerned that some of these appointments have recently been booked by patients who had symptoms which could be due to covid.
If you have any symptoms that could be covid eg high temperature, new cough, loss of sense of taste or smell please book a telephone appointment with a GP first. If you are unsure about your symptoms and whether it would be safe to come to the surgery please book a telephone appointment with a GP first. If the GP feels you need to be seen and they decide it is safe for you to come to the surgery they will offer you a face to face appointment.
Please note that if you have symptoms which could be covid then you MUST arrange a PCR test. We will not accept a negative lateral flow test as evidence that you do not have covid as they can give false negative results.
Please be considerate to our staff and other patients by thinking carefully when booking face to face appointments.
Dr Hirst