Our nursing team hold flu vaccination clinics for patients over 65s or patients who fall into other ‘at risk’ groups which generally include patients suffering from chronic respiratory disease, chronic heart disease, immunosuppression and residents of residential and nursing homes.
Flu clinics are usually held at Kippax on Saturdays in Sept-Oct and we encourage all patients who can get to Kippax to attend these clinics. We do hold some flu clinics at branch sites but these are for patients who cannot get to Kippax.
We maintain registers of our ‘at risk’ patients and contact them, usually in September each year, to arrange for their annual ‘flu jab’.
Changes to our Flu Campaign This Year
There is a national change in the sort of Flu vaccination which is being offered to people 65 years and over. The department of Health has recommended a vaccine that has been shown to be more effective for these patients. However, supplies of this vaccine are being controlled nationally and all surgeries and pharmacies are receiving their supply in strict batches at set times. This means the normal timing of our clinics will change to reflect deliveries in September, October and November.
The Flu vaccination is offered to over 65s or patients who have an existing medical condition.
Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself against Flu. You should have the Flu Jab even if you are currently healthy because you are still at risk.
Please Remember That:
- Flu is a very serious disease and can kill.
- Between 3000 and 4000 people a year die from Flu in England.
- The Flu jab cannot give you the Flu.
The Flu jab is given quickly and easily. It will only take a few minutes and could save your life.
Please contact your usual branch, after 11 am to book an appointment, decline the offer of vaccination or ask any questions about the flu vaccination.