You may be on medication for a lengthy period and require repeat prescriptions.
You may order these by:
- Ordering Online – Please contact Reception for further details or Online Services.
- Bringing your repeat prescription sheet (which is attached to the prescription) to the surgery.
- Posting your repeat prescription sheets to us (together with a stamped, addressed envelope if you wish it to be sent back).
Online Prescription Ordering System
Non-urgent advice: Notice
Many prescriptions are now sent electronically to your nominated Pharmacy. Please allow 72 hours for collection from the Pharmacy.
In exceptional circumstances, if you require urgent medication please contact your usual surgery.
This provision is available at the Barwick-in-Elmet only. If you are given a prescription by the GP, please take it to the dispensary where it will be dispensed for you while you wait. If you are a Barwick or Aberford patient and have a repeat prescription, please follow the repeat prescription guidance above. Your medication can be collected from the dispensary or delivered to your home. You must allow 3 working days.
The dispensary opening times are the same as Elmwood Surgery opening times.