All Services
Advocacy services
Advocacy means helping another person to communicate their views and wishes.
Asthma and COPD services
Chronic respiratory diseases that need attention to prevent exacerbations and trips to hospital.
Bereavement is the period of sadness that you feel when you lose someone
A carer is anyone who cares for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health… cannot cope without their support.
Child health
Children’s health encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of children from infancy through adolescence.
Community nurses
Understanding there are different roles for different needs among the nurses in the community.
Dementia services
Dementia is a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, not present since birth, and not linked with unconsciousness.
Diabetes services
Aiming to reduce diabetes by supporting people with pre-diabetes, aiming to control those with diabetes to reduce long term ill effects.
End of life care (EoLC)
EoLC refers to care of patients in the final hours or days or weeks of their lives, when an illness that has become progressive and incurability is recognised.
First Contact Physiotherapists
Go direct to a physio without seeing the doctor.
Flu Clinic
What is flu? Isn’t it just a heavy cold? How will I know I’ve got flu? Flu occurs every year, […]
Health Checks
If you suffer a chronic condition you need regular monitoring. If you don’t, the NHS health check could be beneficial
How to cancel your appointment
If you would like to cancel your appointment please call 0113 4677 533 or send an email to Please ensure […]
Mental health services
There are some mental health services that allow people to refer themselves, for others a GP referral is needed.
When you first learn that you’re pregnant, get in touch with our midwife or a GP as soon as convenient, ideally by 10 weeks of your pregnancy.
Minor surgery
Minor skin surgery clinics
Practice Nurse services
Nurses and Health Care Assistants functions
Private services
You may have to pay a fee for certain services that are not covered by the NHS
PSA Testing and Prostate Cancer
Advice for well men aged 50 and over
Screening services
Screening saves lives, find out more
Sexual Health Services
Focusing on contraception, but also touching on pregnancy, abortion and STDs
Social Prescribing Service
The term ‘social prescribing’ is used to describe a service which supports people to access a range of non-medical services and activities in their local area.
Stop smoking service
Giving up smoking is always beneficial to your health.
Travel vaccinations and advice
Be prepared for your holidays. Plan in advance.
Vaccinations for adults
Besides flu, referred elsewhere, pneumococcal and shingles vaccinations are available
Weight management
Look after yourself, control your weight and think long term