Book an appointment
Appointments may be made by telephoning 0113 295 3410, or calling in at the surgery.
You can also book online. To use this service you will first need to visit reception for your username and password; please contact reception on: 0113 295 3410.
Routine appointments may be made in advance up to a maximum of one month, which will enable us to offer you an appointment at a time more suitable to your requirements.
If you have several problems you wish to discuss with the doctor, please ask for a longer appointment. Hurried consultations are unsatisfactory for both doctor and patient alike.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly.
Appointments may be made online, by telephone or in person. Please make one appointment for each member of the family who needs to be seen. We try to keep to time but please be patient if someone before you takes longer than planned. Appointments are normally ten minute slots and so if you have a complicated problem, or more than one problem, please ask for a longer appointment. It is practice policy to allow patients to choose whichever doctor they wish to attend in the practice.
Please help us
If you are not able to attend your appointment please let us know in time so that the time can be used for someone else. If you are more than 15 minutes late for an appointment you may be asked to re-book.
Extended opening hours
We also offer weekday late and weekend appointments at our neighbouring hub practices which are at Burley Park Medical Centre and Hyde Park Surgery. These appointments cannot yet be booked online, but can be booked by speaking to reception.
Urgent appointments
If you feel that your problem is urgent we can fit you in to see a doctor on the same day. The receptionist may put you in touch with one of the doctors so that your condition can be assessed.
Telephone access (during office hours on 0113 2953410)
Doctors are available for telephone advice. If the doctor is busy the receptionist will take your details and ask the doctor to return your call.
Non-urgent advice: Dental Problems
Unfortunately we are unable to help if you have a dental problem and so we will ask you to see your dentist. If you are looking for dental care theNHS Choices website can help you find a NHS dentist.
For urgent Dental Care please call 111 for the NHS 111 service.