If you take medication on a long-term basis, you can ask for a repeat prescription. The doctors have put a procedure in place that ensures the prescription can be issued safely.
Ordering repeat prescriptions
This can be done in one of the following ways:
- using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
- using the GP online system Online Consultation (AccuRx)
- using SytmOnline
These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.
Patients are able to request repeat prescriptions through our online services via our website. To access our online services you will need a username and password. Please contact our Patient Care Adviser Team if you would like to use our online service.
Ticking the items you need on the right-hand section of your previous prescription form and either handing it in reception.
We do not accept request for repeat prescriptions over the phone.
Please allow 48 hours (2 working days) for repeat medication requests to be completed.
It is important patients with ongoing medical problems are reviewed at least annually by a Doctor, Nurse, ACP or Pharmacist. The date of your next review is indicated on the right-hand section of your prescription.
If the date for your next review has passed or is due in the near future you may be asked to make an appointment.
It is important that you attend for these reviews to ensure that there is no delay in obtaining your repeat medication.
Please login to order your medication
From 1st August 2023, your nominated pharmacy will no longer be able to order your repeat medication
You can order your repeat medication via email to info.bvs@nhs.net, in person at the surgery by completing the counterfoil and posting in the red box on the wall or you can order online via our practice website. If you would like to use this system please ask at reception for your unique “Username” & “Password” or complete and submit the online request form below.
Please be aware all prescriptions will be ready for collection 48 hours after request.
This does not apply if you receive your repeat medication via a dossette box.
Your repeat medication will still be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy.