New HRT Pre-payment Certificate – 1st April 2023
The Department of Health and Social Care announced they are introducing the HRT PPC to reduce the cost of HRT prescriptions. This service will come into effect from 1st April 2023 and you will be able to buy an HRT PPC pre-payment certificate if you normally pay for your HRT prescription, which will cost £19.60 for the year and this will cover the cost of your HRT prescription. If you already have a Pre-payment certificate for the rest of your medication then HRT medication will be included within this and you won’t need to get the HRT pre-payment certificate.
The HRT PPC doesn’t cover all HRT medication, so it is important to check on the link before you buy the new HRT PPC:- Check here
NB: When applying for the HRT PPC you will be advised that you must inform the practice/prescriber that you hold an HRT PPC and ask that the script be issued separately.