The Practice will consider accepting any patient who has a permanent address within the practice area. Please either use the NHS Register with a GP surgery service online or come into the Practice and see our Care Navigation staff if you wish to register with us. You will be asked to complete a registration form and a short health questionnaire. If you require regular medications please discuss with the Care Navigation Team at the time of registration.
Practice Area
The practice area includes Horsley Woodhouse, Kilburn (toward Belper as far as Whitemoor Lane), Denby, Denby Village, Smalley, Horsley, Morley, Coxbench, Little Eaton and Holbrook. In addition to the map and postcode search facility below a detailed OS Map showing the boundary is on display in our Waiting Room.
Catchment Area
Register online
We are using the NHS ‘Register with a GP Surgery’ service. You can access the registration form online using the below link. The registration process will take around 15 minutes to complete. You do not need your NHS number, but it could make registration easier. You may be asked for details of your previous GP surgery and you basic health and medical information.
Registration of patients outside practice boundaries
From January 2015 GP Practices throughout England became free to register patients that live outside their defined boundaries. However these new arrangements are voluntary for GP Practices.
The GP Partners at the Arthur Medical Centre have considered this situation and have decided to retain their policy of registering only patients that live within the existing practice boundary. Current limitations on resources and the size of the premises, in association with the era of high workload and demand, have led to the judgement that insufficient capacity exists to expand registrations to out-of-area patients. It is felt that such an expansion would jeopardise the level of service to the immediately local community.
Further general information on patient choice of GP practice can be found on the NHS Choices Website at Registering with a GP surgery outside your local area – NHS (