Mission Statement
The Whitemoor Patient Participation Group is a group of volunteers who work in partnership with the staff of The Whitemoor Medical Centre in supporting and improving current systems and developing new initiatives to ensure a first class service is provided for all patients.
GP Practices have seen a lot of changes recently. Now more than ever it is important for patients to have a collective voice which is why local practices have established Patient Participation Groups (PPGs).
PPGs help to improve communication between the practice and patients, encouraging patients to take more responsibility for their health and providing practical support for others in the community.
Having your say through Whitemoor Patient Participation Group.
We have a group of patients working with the practice to see if there are things we can do to improve services for patients at Whitemoor. The group is not the Practice’s complaint system, nor is it to air personal issues or complaints. It is self organising and patient led. If the group is of interest to you and you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact the practice and ask for more details.
Our next meeting 19th of February at 6.30-7.45pm at Whitemoor Medical Centre.