Car Park Changes
No village has enough parking places for everyone who wants to park and Countesthorpe is no exception. The majority of spaces in the Health Centre car park will soon be reserved for patients coming to the health centre and staff delivering the service. As these will be controlled by ANPR cameras, it will be important to remember to register and enter your car registration once you get inside the health centre building.
Between the hours of 7.30 am and 6.30 pm Monday to Friday, any vehicle parking in the main part of the car park will need a permit. The first 10 minutes is permit free, which leaves plenty of time for patients to be dropped off or picked up. Patients can enter their car registration on a tablet next to the check-in screen at reception, this will give you 2 hours from the time you entered the car park. If it looks as if you will be in the surgery for more than 2 hours, please alert reception.
Outside of the permit hours there will be a maximum of 2 hours free parking, with no return within 24 hours.
The cameras and signage will be installed in late July and will be fully operational from 1st August. The camera system is managed by an independent company and the Health Centre will not receive any money from fines imposed.