Who Do I See?

Below is a selection of common problems and suggestions for the appropriate healthcare professional to see.

This is meant for general guidance only and is not comprehensive.

If the Practice is not open please call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

In case of a life threatening emergency, please dial 999

Abdominal Pain

Who do I see?
GP for severe symptoms

Further information about abdominal pain from NHS UK

Acute Asthma

For routine asthma care, please book an Asthma review with a Practice Nurse.

Who do I see?
GP or A&E if urgent care required

Further information about Asthma from NHS UK

Alcohol Advice

Who do I see?
Self refer to Turning Point, ask Reception for the link.


For more information please visit alcoholics anonymous.

Further information and support about Alcohol from NHS UK.


Athletes Foot

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about athletes foot, available from NHS UK.

Back Pain

Who do I see?
Physiotherapist / GP after 7 days

Further information about back pain from NHS UK.

Alexander technique for back pain

Extensive coverage has today been given to a study that found the Alexander technique – a method of teaching improved posture – is beneficial for easing back pain. The study on the technique involved over 500 people with chronic back pain from general practices across the UK. It found that people who received one-to-one instruction in the Alexander technique, along with exercise, had reduced back pain and improved disability after one year compared to those receiving standard care.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Who do I see?
You can use your own and report the readings to Reception. A Pharmacy Technician monitors those with high blood pressure.

These can also be performed at most local pharmacies. If the results are high, a GP appointment would be needed for further evaluation.

Further information about blood pressure from NHS UK.

Blue Badge Forms

Who do I see?
Contact your local Council directly or Apply online

To apply for a Blue Badge parking permit, you need to contact your local council. 

The Blue Badge Scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. Blue Badge holders are able to park close to where they need to go. The scheme is managed by local authorities who deal with applications and issue Blue Badges.

GOV.UK has more details about the Blue Badge scheme, including information about applying for a Blue Badge.

Blocked ears (wax)

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant / Community Pharmacist

A pharmacist can help with earwax build-up

Speak to a pharmacist about earwax build-up. They can give advice and suggest treatments.

They might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax. The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week.

Do not use drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum).

Find a pharmacy

Non-urgent advice: Important Information

Do not use your fingers or any objects like cotton buds to remove earwax. This will push it in and make it worse.

Blood Tests

Who do I see?
Phlebotomist/Health Care Assistant

Appointments for blood tests MUST have been requested by your doctor or other health care professional.

Further information about blood tests from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about boils and carbuncles from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP or A&E for severe symptoms

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.
For less serious breathing issues such as COPD or chest infections.

Further information about breathlessness from NHS UK.

Breastfeeding Advice

Who do I see?
Contact Midwife / Health Visitor

Visit NHS advice pages, or search for a breastfeeding support service near you.

Further information about breastfeeding.

Bruised Ribs

Who do I see?
GP, urgent care centre or A&E for severe symptoms

For pain relief, please search for your nearest community pharmacy.

Further information about broken or bruised ribs from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Practice Nurse, urgent care centre A&E for severe symptoms

If severe, please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

If not, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Further information about burns and scalds from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP for severe symptoms

Please book your appointment with the surgery.

Further information about cellulitis from NHS UK.

Cervical Smear

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Once you are invited, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse on a day that you are not bleeding or on your period.

Further information about cervical screening from NHS UK.

Chest Infections

Who do I see?
Pharmacy or GP

You can book an appointment with the surgery.

Further information about chest infection from NHS UK.

Chest Pain

Who do I see?
GP or A&E for severe symptoms

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.

If not severe and has lasted for more than a few days;

You can book an appointment with your the surgery.

Further information about chest pain from NHS UK.

Chronic Heart Disease

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant

You can book an appointment to review with the appropriate healthcare professional.

Further information about heart disease from NHS UK.

Coils or Implants

Who do I see?

Information about contraceptive implants.

Information about coils.

Where to get an IUD

You can get the IUD for free, even if you’re under 16, from:

  • contraception clinics
  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
  • GP surgeries
  • some young people’s services

Find your nearest sexual health clinic.

Colds & Coughs

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Antibiotics are NOT needed for the common colds, as colds are caused by a virus.

Further information about colds from NHS UK.

Cold Sores

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about cold sores from NHS UK.

Constipation or Piles

Contraception and Family Planning

Who do I see?
Pharmacist or GP

Contraception and family planning appointments are available in any routine GP clinic.

Please ensure your smears are up-to-date.

Further information about contraception from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about cystitis from NHS UK.

Dementia Screening

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about Dementia from NHS UK.

Dental Problems

Who do I see?

Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you: NHS Find Dentist Services

For urgent dental care please visit Cambridgeshire Community Services.

Please note: The Doctors do not see dental problems.

Depot Injection (contraception)

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Please ensure your smears are up-to-date.

Further information about the contraceptive injection from NHS UK

Depression / Mental Health

Who do I see?

These are helplines with specially trained volunteers who’ll listen to you, understand what you’re going through, and help you through the immediate crisis.

Samaritans operates a free service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people who want to talk in confidence. Call them on 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website.

Click here for further information on Mental Health from NHS

To see your GP

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Diabetes Monitoring

Who do I see?
Diabetic Nurse review

Further information about diabetes from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about diarrhoea and vomiting from NHS UK.

Diet/Lifestyle Changes

Who do I see?
Health & Wellbeing Coaches

Further Information about Diet from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP for severe symptoms

You can book an appointment with the Nurse.

Further information about Dizziness from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant or Practice Nurse for severe symptoms

You can book an appointment with the nurse.

Drug Addiction

Who do I see?
GP or self referral to Change Grow Live

Information about drugs please visit: Talk To Frank.

For further information concerning alcohol please visit: Alcoholics Anonymous UK.

Call free: 0800 9177 650 or Email AA

DWP Forms

Who do I see?
We are unable to provide letters of support

The DWP will usually contact your GP or healthcare professional to obtain medical evidence when you submit a PIP or ESA claim, the information is then sent to the DWP as part of your claim process. 

We are therefore unable to provide additional letters of supports as the information we provide, will normally be included in the report requested by the DWP. We therefore regret that we cannot provide additional letters of support. However you may request your medical records if you feel this may help your case. If you wish a copy of your medical records, please contact the practice who will advise you accordingly. There is no charge for a copy of your records.

We have provided some useful contacts shown below to help you:

Useful contacts
Action for M.E.
Information and support for people with M.E. and their carers General enquiries: 0117 927 9551 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Online M.E. CentreAction for M.E

Welfare Rights Line: 0845 122 8648 (times vary)

Citizens Advice Bureau
Offers advice on a range of issues and may complete a benefits check for you. Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Disability Information and Advice Line (DIAL)
To find your local DIAL office, contact Scope, 6 Market Road, London N7 9PW Tel: 0808 800 3333

Disability Rights UK
Factsheets on benefits, tax credits and independent living from disability rights uk

Local councils
Some local councils employ welfare rights workers. Your local council may also have information about other services that offer welfare rights advice in your area.

Ear Care/Ear Wax

Who do I see?
GP for severe symptoms.

Further information about ear wax build up available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Pharmacy or GP

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about earache available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about eczema available from NHS UK.

Emergency Contraception

Eye Injuries

Who do I see?
Minor Eye Conditions Service

More details on the Minor Eye Conditions Service.

If severe, please go to your nearest A&E department.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about flu from NHS UK.

Flu Vaccine

Who do I see?
The surgery will hold several flu clinics both bookable and walk in as well as adhoc appointment availability.

You may prefer a Pharmacy if you are unable to obtain an appointment at the surgery.

Further information about the flu vaccine from NHS UK.

Forms, certificates and medicals

Who do I see?
GP Receptionists or admin team

A medical examination will be booked if necessary.

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS. Payment for reports must accompany the request or appointment booking (i.e. in advance).

Charges are aligned with the BMA’s guidelines. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

Please allow up to 28 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Please note we do not sign passport forms.

Fungal Infections

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

You can book an appointment with the Practice.

General Advice

Who do I see?
Self Care / 111

Please visit our Self Care page or call 111 for any non-urgent medical issues.

Genital Infections including Herpes

Who do I see?
Please visit the Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health (iCaSH) service.

Find your nearest iCaSH centre.

Further information about sexual health available from NHS UK.

Hay Fever

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Hay fever medications are available from the chemist without needing to see your GP.

Further information about hay fever available from NHS UK.

Head Injuries

Who do I see?
NHS 111 or A&E if severe

In case of a life threatening emergency, please dial 999.

Further information about head injury and concussion from NHS UK.

Head Lice

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about head lice available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about headaches available from NHS UK.



Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about indigestion available from NHS UK.

Infected Wounds

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Insect Bites & Stings

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about insect bites and stings available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about insomnia available from NHS UK.

Medication Reviews

Who do I see?
Clinical Pharmacist

Please ensure you have had your annual bloods in advance of the appointment and bring all your medications with you to the review.

Missed Contraceptive

Who do I see?
Family Planning Clinic / Pharmacy

For emergency contraception, please find your nearest community pharmacy.

For other issues please search for your nearest family planning clinic .

Further information about contraception from NHS UK.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about moles available from NHS UK.

Mouth Problems – Ulcers, Thrush

Who do I see?
Dentist / Referral to Community Pharmacy

Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you: NHS Find Dentist Services.

Nappy rash

Neck Pain

Who do I see?
GP for severe symptoms / Referral to Clinical Pharmacy

Further information about neck pain available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
111/Urgent Care if severe

GP if several episodes

Pinch nose (do not lean head back) and apply ice pack. Find out more information about nose bleeds. If concerned, you can ring 111, or search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Panic Attacks

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about panic attacks available from NHS UK.

Passport Forms

Who do I see?
We do not sign passport forms

Passport forms are not covered by the NHS.

Accepted occupations that can countersign your passport photo.

Pneumoccocal Vaccine

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant (HCA) / Nurse

Further information about the pneumococcal vaccine from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Self refer new pregnancy / Midwife

You can self refer a new pregnancy on this site.

Further information about Pregnancy available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP if persists for more than 7 days.

Further information – Rashes in babies and children

Rectal Problems

Who do I see?
GP if symptoms persist for more than 7 days.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Removal of Stitches

Shingles Vaccine

Who do I see?
Health Care Assistant (HCA)

Further information about the shingles vaccination available from NHS UK.

Sick Note (Fit Note)

Who do I see?
Self certify first 7 days, then follow the below link:


If you have been discharged from hospital, your hospital team will issue any fit notes for the entire period of your recovery. Please contact the ward staff (even after discharge). 

Schools should not request a GP letter to confirm absence, this can be written by a parent or guardian.

Self – Certificate.
You can obtain this form from your employer or by visiting the HMRC website. If you are unwell for more than four days you are advised to arrange an appointment to see a Doctor to assess your fitness to work.

Private Certificates
If you or your employer require further information concerning your period(s) of illness , then your Doctor may require to issue you with a letter. Please note that a charge may apply for this service. Please check with our administration team.


Who do I see?
GP if it persists / Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about sinusitis available from NHS UK.

Skin Conditions

Who do I see?
GP if it persists / Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about common skin conditions available from NHS UK.

Smoking Cessation

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant

You can also visit Smokefree, or find out more from NHS UK.

Sore Penis

Who do I see?
Sexual Health Clinics or GP

Find your local clinic.

Further information about penis problems, available from NHS UK.

Sore Throat

Who do I see?
GP if it persists / Referral to Community Pharmacy

If you have a sore throat, there are a number of ways you can help yourself. Paracetamol can help with the pain, and gargling with warm, salty water may help shorten the infection (but this isn’t recommended for children). In most cases, you only need to see your GP if your sore throat doesn’t improve after a week.

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Further information on how to treat a sore throat yourself .


Who do I see?
Urgent Care Centre / Referral to Community Pharmacy

If it is a suspected serious injury, please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

Further information about sprains and strains available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about styes from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about sunburn available from NHS UK.

Termination of Pregnancy

Who do I see?
British Pregnancy Advisory Service / GP

Termination of Pregnancy service is for women who are pregnant and want to discuss their pregnancy options, which might include having a termination.

Your local clinic will offer advice and information, and can help you with a hospital appointment if that is what you decide to do.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Further information about terminating your pregnancy 

Tetanus Injection

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Nurse Associate

You can call us to book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional.

Further information about tetanus, available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about threadworms, available from NHS UK.

Thrush (Vaginal)

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

You find information on the NHS help page.

If you are sexually active, you can also visit your local Sexual Health Clinic.

Travel Vaccinations

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Please book an appointment, at least 6 weeks  or more before travelling.

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

NHS guide to Travel vaccinations

Urine Infections

Who do I see?
Pharmacy / GP

Please bring a urine sample into the consultation; sterile pots available at reception.

Information about Urinary tract infections (UTIs) available from NHS UK.

Vitamin B12 Injection

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant (HCA) / Practice Nurse

Further information about Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia, available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP if it persists / Referral to Community Pharmacy

For babies and toddlers, or if it persists longer than 1 week in children and adults, please book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about diarrhoea and vomiting from NHS UK.

Warfarin Monitoring

Who do I see?
Healthcare Assistant (HCA) or Phlebotomist

Further information about warfarin available from NHS UK.

Warts and Verrucas

Who do I see?
Referral to Community Pharmacy

Further information about warts and verrucas from NHS UK.