New Patients

Joining our Surgery

We can only accept new patients who live in our practice area. Click here to check your postcode on the interactive map.

If you want to join our practice please use the button below to complete your registration online. Alternatively you can download, complete and return to the practice a paper PRF1 form here.

Once you have been accepted as a patient your medical records will be transferred to us. You do not need to inform your existing practice that you are moving, although it may be courteous to do so.

We have allocated a named accountable GP for everyone at the surgery in accordance with NHS General Medical Services guidance. This does not mean that you will only be able to see one particular doctor when attending the surgery, you are still free to see any doctor as you prefer.

The ‘named accountable GP’ has the lead responsibility for ensuring the coordination of your care. In practical terms this responsibility is shared by the GP team – so for example, a GP other than your ‘named GP’ might refer you to hospital and the resulting hospital correspondence would be principally addressed to them. Then of course, this correspondence would sit on your electronic file and could be picked-up by a different GP further along the line.

If you should like to know who you have been allocated to please ask anyone at the practice the next time that you happen to be here or are calling us for another purpose. Please do not make a special journey, or call the surgery just for this. If you should like to change your ‘named GP’ you are free to do this at any time.

If you are a current patient moving to a new address outside our area you will need to register with a new practice in your new locality. Patient Choice of GP Practice guidance is available here.

Practice Boundary

Please ensure you live within our service area by entering your postcode below before attempting to register with the surgery.

Catchment Area