The NHS App and Covid passport

The NHS App

Please do not contact the surgery about the NHS App; all enquries should be made to

Please ensure you don’t skip the “Verify your own identity” section when registering with the app. You will be asked to use your passport or driving licence to confirm your ID. If the identity verification is skipped you’ll be asked to contact the surgery for a linkage key; we cannot provide this unless you already have an online Patient Access account.

Covid-19 Vaccination Passport

If you require evidence of your vaccination, for example in order to travel, please click here and download the NHS App.

If you do not have a smart phone or access to a computer then telephone 119 at least 5 days after your completing second dose of vaccination. Your passport will be sent to you in the post.

For any technical queries with the NHS App please do not contact Billesdon Surgery.