Children and Young People

Future in Mind: Children and Young People

Our shared vision in Rutland and Leicestershire is that children and young people will have access to the right help at the right time through all stages of their emotional and mental health development.

For this to happen, we have developed a whole system approach to delivering a range of emotional, mental health and wellbeing services that meet all levels of need.

This guide is intended to give referrers information on each of the commissioned services available for children and young people, details about who can refer and contact information.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and there are other voluntary sector organisations that can be accessed, for example YoungMinds.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services 

About us

Provided by Leicestershire Partnership Trust. The enhanced access to CAMHS has been developed to ensure children and young people can access treatment to improve their life chances and to minimise the impact of long term health conditions.

The enhanced part of the service is focused on streamlining the current access into CAMHS and the introduction of one multi-disciplinary team to assess the needs of children and young people.

Contact us

The service is open from 8:30am-3pm daily (Covid dependent). Call Professional Advisory Service (PAS) 0116 2955048.

Visit the website

Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment

About us

Provided by Leicestershire Partnership Trust. The aim of the CAMHS Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team is to provide rapid assessment and treatment of children & young people experiencing mental health difficulties.

Contact us

The service is open from 8am to 10pm daily, 365 days a year. Between 10pm and 8am, out of hours telephone support is provided by the adult crisis team. Telephone: 0300 300 1010.

Visit the website

Early Intervention Psychosis

About us

Provided by Leicestershire Partnership Trust. The P.I.E.R. team has been set up to work especially with people who have experienced a first episode of psychosis.

Contact us

Call 0116 2943167

Visit the website

Early Intervention Service

About us

The service is a partnership of organisations – Relate, ADHD Solutions and Centre for Fun and Families. The service supports children and young people who present with low level mental health needs, which impact on their daily lives but do not meet the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) criteria. 

Contact us

Call 0116 2543011

Visit the website

Eating Disorders Service

About us

The Eating Disorders Service has been operating since February 2015 and was the first of the services set up as part of Future in Mind program. The aim of the service is to provide specialist assessment and intervention to young people with eating disorders. The service works with young people and their carers to provide interventions to address physical, psychological and social aspects of eating disorders.

Contact us

The service is open from 11am-12:30pm daily
Call 0116 295 0310

Family Action

About us

Family Action is a charity that provides a wide range of creative and talking therapeutic interventions for children and young people aged 5-18 who are experiencing trauma through abuse or neglect, domestic abuse or loss, or whose adoption is at risk of breakdown because of attachment difficulties.

Contact us

Tel 0116 2168334

Visit the website

Kooth Online Counselling

About us

Kooth, from Xenzone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people; accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use. Kooth is able to break down barriers and stigma associated with accessing mental and emotional well-being support by offering a digital platform.

Visit the website
Watch the video

Leicester City Early Help

About us

Provided by Leicester City Council. The Council’s early help offer brings together a range of services to support children, young people and their families who need some additional help. More information is detailed in the Children Centre and Family Support Service offer.

Contact us

Call Advice Point on 0116 454 1004

About us

Provided by Leicester City Council.

Early Help offers a range of universal and targeted support to help tackle problems for children, young people and their families as soon as possible. Help may be offered at any point in a child or young person’s life.

This includes both:

  • Help early in life (including pre-natal interventions), and
  • Help early in the development of a problem.

Contact us

Call First Response Duty Team 0116 305005

Visit the website

Rainbow Trust

About us

Rainbow Trust supports families who have a child aged 0-18 years with a life threatening or terminal illness and need the bespoke support we offer.

Contact us

Tel 01372 363 438

Visit the website

Route to Resilience in Schools

About us

Route to Resilience is delivered by a partnership of organisations – Centre for Fun and Families Ltd, Wellbeing Education, Mair Health Ltd and Billson Consulting Ltd. Route to Resilience is a year long programme of support from the Route to Resilience delivery team and peer support from other schools in the programme that provides a cohesive structure to integrate and extend participating schools’ existing work on character, values and resilience.

Visit the website

Rutland Early Help Services

About us

Early Help is a process that practitioners (school teachers, school nurses, youth workers, etc.) use to get to know you and your family and decide how best they can help you and your family to reach your full potential. The Early Help process is consent based, which means that the practitioners will need your permission to start the process.

Contact us

Tel 01572 772 577

Visit the website

SENDIASS Leicester

About us

SENDIASS Leicester offers free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves.

Contact us

Tel 0116 257 5027

Visit the website

Services for Children and Young People

About us

Our shared vision in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is that children and young people will have access to the right help at the right time — through all stages of their emotional and mental health development. In Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland there are a range of services that support children and young people.

Visit the website


About us

Start is a weekly drop-in arts/creative activities session taking place 4pm-7pm every Thursday. It is aimed at vulnerable young people and provides a safe, creative and social space for them to work on projects that they decide for themselves. There are also group work projects that they can get involved with, e.g. an annual exhibition. There is a wide mix of abilities and experienced staff are there to facilitate the activities.

Contact us

Tel 0116 2552592

Visit the website

Mental Health resources for Children and Teenagers

My Self Referral


Children and young people’s counselling age 8-18yrs: groupwork programmes and Zoom workshop on anxiety.

GP needs to refer via Early Help referral.

VITA Health Group

Counselling age 16yrs and over

 on 0330 094 5595. Or visit their website for more information or refer online

Early Help Service


ADHD Solutions

One to one mentoring support with youth worker

Centre for Fun and Families

Parenting classes to support families with children’s challenging behaviour/conflict

Rutland Family Hub Children’s Centre

Self refer: or call 01572 758 493 

GP referral:

Visions Childrens Centre

Courses on how to support your child:

LGBTQ teens

Rutland Information Service 

 Rutland Family Hub – directory of local services to support.

Other Resources   – supports families, parents, courses.

Kooth is a digital counselling support service which provides an anonymous, free, confidential, and safe way for young people across Leicestershire to access online. Ages 11-25.  Accessed on –

Mood Juice is a website designed to help you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them.  Website:

Stem4 charity supporting teenage mental health, their website has lots of resources for parents and young people together with specific apps for self-harm, anxiety, depression, supporting people with mental health, and managing self-worth/body image concerns relating to eating disorders. Website: stem4 – supporting teenage mental health

Childline – 24/7 free help and support for people up to their 19th birthday. They can confidentially call, chat online or email about any problem big or small, share experiences and gain support via an online message board also. Call 0800 1111 or visit 

Chat Health – Free text messaging support service for parents, guardians and carers of children aged 0-19. 

07520 615 382 (9am to 5pm, they respond within 24hours).

Health for Teens – Support for older children and teenagers, focusing on their mental and physical health.

Mind -National charity for advice and support.provides support for 11-18 year olds. 

YoungMinds – Advice and information for children and young people, and support for their parents, with a helpline, webchat, and email service – NHS Website – NHS advice and support for children, teenagers, and young adults, and their parents.