Both quitting smoking and managing your weight can be a daunting task. But we want you to know that you are not alone.
Below are other services which are available outside of the GP hours or as alternative/ additional support.
Quitting Smoking Support and Services
Stop Smoking Rutland
The stop smoking Rutland programme has been designed to identify people’s individual needs to help them understand and work around the triggers that lead them to smoke. This is a free, non-judgemental service which helps individuals to review both medical and non-medical options to help quit their smoking habit.
Call Stop Smoking now on 01572 725805 or visit the quit smoking website for more information.
Quit Ready
Quit ready is part of Leicestershire County Council, we welcome anyone who wants to stop smoking even if you have tried stopping in the past. Quit Ready offers a tailored stop smoking programme that is led by you the patient.
Rutland Community Wellbeing Service (RCWS)
Rutland Community Wellbeing Service is a free, impartial and confidential information, advice and assistance service for people aged 18+ across Rutland who need support.
If you, or someone you know would benefit from this service don’t hesitate to contact us through our webpage
We can also arrange an appointment or visit you or talk over the phone.
Call: 01572 725 805
Weight Management Support and Services
Rutland Weight Management
Rutland has a dedicated Weight Management Service for residents who may be concerned about their weight and the impact it may be having on their health.
Weight Management Rutland offers a free 12-week telephone support programme that pairs service users with a dedicated nutritionist or dietician. Together services users set personal, sustainable weight loss goals and work towards them each week.
For more information, please visit the Rutland Weight Management website or call 0333 207 2201
LEAP (Lifestyle, Eating and Activity Programme)
LEAP is a FREE 10 week weight management programme for adults.
It combines nutrition sessions led by a registered dietitian followed by an exercise session with an activity instructor.
If you are fed up of “dieting”, then this programme is for you. We have already helped hundreds of people lose weight and keep it off.
For more information, please call 0166 222 7154
FLiC (Family Lifestyle Club)
FliC is an 8 week group for families keen to learn more about becoming fit, healthy and managing their weight.
For more information, please visit the FLiC website
You can also call on 0166 22 7154 or E-mail:
Yoga at Ryhall
Weekly yoga classes in Stamford and Rutland for all levels of fitness and yoga experience. With regular attendance you will improve you flexibility, strength and posture whilst reducing your stress, anxiety and weight.
For more information, please visit the Yoga at Ryhall website
You can also call 07973 508 547 or E-mail: