Comments, Complaints, and Suggestions

Your comments and suggestions are welcome to improve the quality of our service.

Contact Us

Issues, Questions and Complaints

Who do you contact when things go wrong or I want to give feedback?

If you have an issue with any aspects of our service please get in touch with us. We strive to learn from your experience and improve the care we give to our patients.

Who do I inform that something has gone wrong or I want to give feedback?

Vicki Abbott, Practice Manager is here to listen and help you with all aspects of the services we provide. Our Practice Manager will escalate any issues raised that require input from another member of the Practice team such as the Operations Manager or GP lead for complaints.

How do I let you know that something has gone wrong?


Post: Uppingham Surgery, North Gate, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9EG

Telephone: 01572 823531

How long will it take for me to receive a response?

The vast majority of issues can be dealt with at the time of calling or receiving your email. If an investigation is required, you will receive a written response within 28 calendar days.

Who will know I have raised a complaint or given feedback

All complaints are dealt with confidentially and do not form part of your medical records. This is in line with NHS England standards.

Your experience may lead to a change in the way we operate. If this happens, it will be done anonymously, your name will never be mentioned.

Practice Process

All written complaints will be acknowledged within 2 working days and a full investigation will be undertaken. Dependent upon the nature of the complaint this may be investigated by the Practice Manager, the Operations Manager or a Partner of Uppingham Surgery (or combination of both). Following the investigation, a response letter will be sent outlining the findings, actions and conclusions within 28 calendar days.

If you are unhappy with the conclusion of your complaint

Should you be unsatisfied with the conclusion of your complaint, patients are advised to write to the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP or via

Also available is a local NHS Complaints Advocacy Service called ‘POhWER’ they provide free, confidential and independent support for patients and their NHS complaint. This service is available for all patients registered with a GP in Rutland.

Telephone: 0300 200 0084

Alternative advice can also be sought from NHS England 0300 311 22 33 or Healthwatch Rutland 01572 720381.

In adherence to the NHS Complaints Regulations and CQC Compliance, the practice conducts an anonymous annual review of all complaints with the practice team.