New study on hearing problems
We would like to invite you to take part in a new online research study in hyperacusis.
Do you experience hyperacusis?
Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder where people experience a reduced tolerance to sound(s) that are perceived as normal to the majority of the population or were perceived as normal to the person before their onset of hyperacusis, where “normal” refers to sounds that are generally well tolerated.
The main way to assess hyperacusis is to use self-report questionnaires. In order to use these questionnaires, we need to make sure that they are relevant, useful, valid and reliable to use with adults living with hyperacusis.
We need you…
We are looking for adults experiencing hyperacusis to complete an online survey with questionnaires that measure hyperacusis and questions to find out what you think of these questionnaires and whether you feel they are relevant to your experience.
What is involved?
You will be asked to complete the questionnaire survey on two separate sessions over two weeks. It is expected that it will take less than 40 minutes to complete the questionnaire survey the first time and less than 20 minutes to complete it the second time as there are less questions.
As a thank you for taking part in the study, you will be offered the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to receive one of five £50 Amazon gift vouchers.
This study will
• Build our understanding of the reliability and validity of the questionnaires
• Importantly, help us to identify which questionnaires are most relevant and appropriate to use with adults living with hyperacusis, such as yourself, and make recommendations on this.
For more details about what the study involves and to check whether you would be eligible, please read the attached information sheet.
If after reading the information sheet, you want to sign up for the study or find out more, then please:
• complete the online form to tell us that you are interested in taking part:
• contact Kathryn Fackrell:
Please forward this information to anyone you think would be interested in taking part in this research