Children Services

Health Visiting Website

Health visting

Click here to view the new Health Visiting website.

Specialised Children and Young Persons services are provided by Public Health via Lincolnshire County Council 

Below are various links for web pages which provide more detailed information.

0-19 Service – full information of services provided including Health Visiting services and nursing support within schools 
Children Centres – 
Emotional Wellbeing & Behaviour Online pathwayA new online single point of access is available for information and advice about services that can offer support for common emotional wellbeing, behaviour and mental health concerns, including anxiety, body image, bullying, depression, eating concerns, exam stress etc.Children and young people and parents/carers can go to to find out more about these issues, view self-help information and identify available support services. 
A free, safe and anonymous online support for young people – 
Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Service – patients aged 13 or over