New Patient Registration

Online Registration

Trentside Medical Centre can now offer online registration for patients. Please click the below link to register.

To register with the practice call in at the surgery and ask the receptionist for a GMS1 registration form. The receptionist will hand also give you a New Patient Questionnaire to help us record your health and personal details.  Hand the completed forms back to the receptionist.

You will need to bring with you proof of who you are, for example a passport, driving licence, utility bill, bank statement or birth certificate.

The GMS1 form can also be downloaded here.

The New Patient Questionnaire is a basic on-line version and you will be required to fill out a more detailed one when you come into surgery.

If you have just arrived into this country, we will need your passport and a proof of entry document.

We offer a new patient health check to all new patients once you have been added to our practice list. 

Our Practice Area

We cover Carlton, Gedling and Colwick. If you are unsure on whether you fall into our catchment area, please enter your postcode into the map below. If you outside of our catchment, please read and sign our Out of Area policy document, and attach to registration form or send an email to our practice inbox:

Catchment Area

Guide to GP Services

The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them.  You can download the guide below.

 A Patient Guide to GP Services